Thursday, March 22, 2007


Houdini has usually shown a lack of interest in the types of book that, according to the general consensus of parents of babies and toddlers, as well as various parenting sources, he should be interested in. There are two books he has loved that were typical of the ones that should have grabbed his attention. One is 'The Book of Hugs' and the other is the book that came with the CD 'To Catch The Moon'. He is especially fond of one of the latter's protagonists, Ruby May, because she "puts her hands together and spins and spins her best", which allows Houdini to do the same, without being admonished, as he is other times when he channels a whirling dervish. However, the books that really get him are usually pretty wordy and probably more appropriate for a five year old. You might think would make us terribly proud and possibly a bit snotty, but the problem is we want to work on adding a lot more words to his vocabulary--words that he can actually use on a daily basis to communicate with us--and a book that talks about Rutgers' Scarlet Knight walking around the various landmarks on the different campuses offers little in that way. I mean, how often is he going to use the term 'Passion Puddle' or 'alumni' in the next few years?

However, I am not so sure I am too happy with how things are turning out, now that we've got him more focused on more age appropriate books, either. It's all good and well that he's finally showing more than a passing interest in 'Goodnight, Moon', for instance, but why is it that the one word he is so enamored of out of the whole thing is 'Hush!' and how is that he learned so quickly to turn around and use that against us?!